Narconon Blog
Ketamine – Is This Really the Way to Have Fun?
As someone who loves his country and is proud to be British, I’m saddened to see that young people in the UK today are going out to party and using Ketamine which, amongst other things, is a horse tranquilizer but when taken recreationally can turn fun-loving party-goers into hallucinating zombies.
Want to Think Clearly? Avoid Cognitive Damage from Drug or Alcohol Abuse
Learn how drug and alcohol abuse can damage cognitive function and hinder success in life. Discover the importance of safeguarding cognitive ability by avoiding substance misuse, especially during critical developmental stages.
What on Earth Is Captagon…?
Fenethylline is the actual chemical name , and it was initially engineered in the early 60s in Germany. Now its marketed as an amphetamine under the name Captagon and it is used both on the battlefield and the streets of the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) to destroy lives, both young and old.
Other Highs
I’ve surveyed a lot of people who take drugs to find out why they take them and the answers are varied. But typical answers often include relaxation, creativity, escape from boredom and social inclusion.
Fake News
A lot of the drug education—as little as there was at my school, was pretty poor, uninformed and not very educative at all. The perceived lack of understanding from the teachers, parents and thus ‘society’ at large was a major enabler for my friends in taking drugs.
University Freshers are Prime Targets for Drug Dealers
New university students, having just finished spending the majority of their life studying and working hard to gain acceptance into the school of their choice, are met with many challenges throughout their university years.
Made In Hell Not Heaven
Fentanyl is a manmade, copycat drug. It copies heroin and produces very similar effects—such as euphoria, sleeplessness, relaxation and the masking of pain. It also causes constipation and confusion. What addicts may forget when using it is that it is lethal in extremely small doses.
Skunk or Dope—An Education as to What it Is and Where it Comes From
Cannabis is commonly known these days as Skunk. It is made up from the dried leaves and stalks of the hemp plant. In my day it just used to be called Ganja, weed or just Grass. Now it has even more nick names depending on where you are. Its normal name is hemp.
Marijuana Mania—Effects on the Mind, Morals and a Message
Marijuana is a Class B hallucinogen. It brings on altered perceptions of the environment one is in, ones thoughts, and ones feelings. You simply don’t see the world as it actually is, you see something else.
Adderall Abuse Amongst Professionals
Adderall is a prescription drug commonly used to treat ADHD. It has mainly been abused in colleges and universities to aid students in their studies. Adderall is very powerful and much more potent than other amphetamines like Ritalin, for example.