Narconon Blog
Made In Hell Not Heaven
Fentanyl is a manmade, copycat drug. It copies heroin and produces very similar effects—such as euphoria, sleeplessness, relaxation and the masking of pain. It also causes constipation and confusion. What addicts may forget when using it is that it is lethal in extremely small doses.
The Route to Oblivion—Opium>Morphine>Heroin
Processing plants deep in the jungles of South East Asia, Pakistan, Mexico and Colombia transform the liquid extracted from poppy seeds into morphine and from there the manufacturers either process it themselves or ship it out for conversion into heroin.
From High Up to Low Down
There has been a lot written about cocaine recently, especially with the advent of the internet. Distribution of articles and notes about it, where it comes from, how its use expanded after the 1960’s and much more can be found on the much-loved site, Wikipedia. The articles therein are written by anyone and everyone for publication to a wider audience. Much is said about its addictive properties, the downsides of its use, the heartbreak caused to families where a cocaine addict resides and the deaths from overdosing on it. I make no apologies for writing even more.
It’s Up, Up and Away—Then Down and Out
While there are rituals that users go through when doing cocaine, the drug itself is sometimes misunderstood by those who use it—what it is and what effect it will have, both good and bad.
Skunk or Dope—An Education as to What it Is and Where it Comes From
Cannabis is commonly known these days as Skunk. It is made up from the dried leaves and stalks of the hemp plant. In my day it just used to be called Ganja, weed or just Grass. Now it has even more nick names depending on where you are. Its normal name is hemp.
Marijuana Mania—Effects on the Mind, Morals and a Message
Marijuana is a Class B hallucinogen. It brings on altered perceptions of the environment one is in, ones thoughts, and ones feelings. You simply don’t see the world as it actually is, you see something else.
Celebrity Influence—Drug Use and the Consequences
A celebrity is someone well-known in their field with the ability to influence others. For example, in the fashion industry Ives Saint Laurent is a design icon and in opera, Pavarotti had much influence as a tenor. He drew 150,000 attendees to his free performance in London’s Hyde Park and 500,000 more attended his concert on the lawn of New York’s Central Park. Millions more watched on TV. His musical influence and vocal method were admired and he influenced operatic performances worldwide. He attended the funeral of another icon, Diana, Princess of Wales.
Designer Drugs—The Scourge of a Modern Society
If you want to emulate and manufacture designer drugs for your ’home use’ beware of the advice you may be given about using a home kit set up and the use of cleaning materials to make it from.
What Happened in the Summer of 1970
For those of us at the Isle of Wight Festival in 1970 we saw what we thought were new horizons, ’peace and love the world over and an end to war’ at the very least. We were I think naive.
Designer Drugs—Made-to-Measure they Come with a Sweet Tooth
Designer drugs can involve chemical complexities that only the laboratory scientist can explain to us but which leave the ’man in the street’ baffled and bemused. For the pusher, dealer, supplier and manufacturer of designer drugs they are a no-brainer.