Narconon Blog
The Route to Oblivion—Opium>Morphine>Heroin
Processing plants deep in the jungles of South East Asia, Pakistan, Mexico and Colombia transform the liquid extracted from poppy seeds into morphine and from there the manufacturers either process it themselves or ship it out for conversion into heroin.
In the UK, Is Enabling More Drug Use the Only Answer to Drug Deaths?
The United States is not alone in struggling with increases in the number of drug-related deaths. In England and Wales, record numbers of people are dying as a result of their use of heroin, cocaine and MDMA.
How You Can Help Prevent Heroin Addiction and Overdose
Here are a few useful things that if everyone got into practice would rapidly decrease the demand, addiction and overdose statistics for heroin , and the good news is they aren’t complicated.
Elephant Tranquiliser in your Heroin?
Heroin is an all too powerful drug by itself. Drug dealers when dealing with new clients will usually sell pure and powerful heroin until they have a new client, a fully hooked addict.
British Adults Use Plenty of Drugs but Much Smaller Number are Addicted
British Adults Use Plenty of Drugs but Much Smaller Number are Addicted According to a new survey published by The Guardian, nearly one in three British adults has used drugs but not nearly as many consider they have a problem with drugs.