I Feel Proud of Myself for Completing the Narconon Programme

It was a microdose, but from that day, everything started to change.
Before coming here I didn't feel I did hard drugs, I felt I had it under control until I tried mushrooms. It was a micro dose but from that day everything started to change.
I was hallucinating and my life started to be different, I saw things that weren’t real. My relationships with people around started to get worse. I was paranoid and I wasn’t sleeping well, that didn’t help at all.
Coming to Narconon wasn’t easy for me. It was hard for me to let go of my summer holidays which I had already planned with my friends. My life became everything but how it should be, in one month alone I went through hell, was running away from one place to another until I came to Narconon and felt safe to stay.
Withdrawal was really difficult as I had a daily reality shock, I was missing home, missing my friends, missing what my life used to be. But somehow I managed to carry on.
Then I started Detox. Some days were harder and some of them were easier. I started to work out every day and that was the beginning of a healthy routine which I very much wanted. The Detox In Charge helped me get through Detox and the end I felt much healthier, I am certain that the drugs I took in the past are out of my body and I achieved that on this step.
When I started Objectives, it wasn't always easy but I got help from the staff and managed to push myself and I'm glad I did. I couldn't help but feel that I was moving in life in the right way. After objectives I realised that the past doesn’t affect me anymore. It's my past, it's there, I can see it but it doesn't affect me. And that was a big deal for me.
Then I started the life skill courses where I discovered that not every person in my life wants me to feel good and to prosper. I found out that my personal morals were improving by writing down my past transgressions which is basically things that I feel bad about that I did in my past. I felt relieved about the past and I’m ready to move on. I also learned that people can find themselves in different conditions in life and I know now how to improve them.
“I have a drug-free life and I feel normal again. I’m not my past, I'm ready to start again and I feel proud of myself.”
I graduated from the Narconon Programme and even though it was hard, it was my own hard work that got me where I am right now. I have a drug-free life and I feel normal again. I'm not my past, I'm ready to start again and I feel proud of myself.
Thank you very much for everyone who helped me along the way.
—T. Ž., Narconon United Kingdom Graduate