Narconon Blog




Alice is passionate about helping others get off drugs at Narconon UK.

Alice in Narconon Success
28 March 2024

Overcoming Addiction and Not Quitting when the Going Got Tough

I was born in Forest Gate Hospital and raised in East Ham. My life before doing drugs was normal, I had a great childhood and a good life. My childhood was full of so much laughter and happy times. One of the happiest moments in my life I can remember before I started doing drugs was when I boxed as a teenager in the Essex finals and won the match against a kid who was undefeated, I felt like I was on top of the world.


Alice in Narconon Success
21 March 2024

I Would Do Anything to Turn Back Time and Say No

I did have a good, healthy life once upon a time. I had a happy marriage and three beautiful kids. My work and drive to succeed and provide a good life for my family were out of this world. That’s not anything to brag about, but it is something to be proud of, what one must remember is that this is actually normal.


Alice in Narconon Success
7 March 2024

I Lost My Path, but Narconon Helped Me Find It Again

I was born and raised in Upton Park, East London. My life before I started doing drugs was good. I had a mixed upbringing, and I can’t really remember much. But there was good and bad. I first started using drugs when I was 13 years old with friends.


Alice in Narconon Success
14 December 2023

I Can Look Forward to a Drug-Free Future

At Narconon, I have not only learnt how to live drug free, I have learnt to be a better person, partner and father. For the first time in a long time, I look forward to the rest of my life.


Alice in Narconon Success
10 December 2023

Learning to Leave Addiction Behind

Changing Conditions helped me to open doors of communication with loved ones and initiate steps to re build relationships. It has helped me to remove any grey areas I’ve had with people and has shown me the way through to happiness in my surroundings moving forward.


Alice in Narconon Success
30 March 2023

I Am Looking Forward to Showing My Kids and My Wife the New Me

I first started using drugs when I was 15 years old, with a couple of schoolmates, I started smoking marihuana, and drinking alcohol on the weekends. By the age of 17 I moved on to ecstasy, speed and cocaine...


Alice in Narconon Success
29 March 2023

I Broke the Barriers and Am Free from Addiction

Owning the problems and issues in your life is never easy. It’s easy to blame other people. It’s easy to numb out with gossip, drugs or excessive consumption of entertainment. It’s hard to own the part of yourself that you’re unhappy with.


Alice in Narconon Success
28 March 2023

I Have the Confidence That I Can Live a Drug-Free, Fun Life

I started smoking weed when I was about 13 or 14. I started hanging around with the wrong people, people that were older than me and started doing what they were doing. And then, after a while, I realized that I wasn’t hanging around the wrong crowd—I was the wrong crowd.


Alice in Narconon Success
10 November 2022

My Proudest Accomplishment Is My Sobriety

I was born and raised in Tel Aviv, Israel. Before I started doing drugs I played football, smoked shisha (tobacco). One of the happiest moments in my life that I can remember before I started doing drugs was when my football won the title. In 2012 I smoke my first joint, I was about 16.


Alice in Narconon Success
9 November 2022

I Feel Refreshed

I was born in London 1989 and grew up in Clapham. Before I started using alcohol I was a very happy child, free spirited, adventurous, loud and happy. One of the happiest moments of my life before I ever drank was playing a game with my two cousins.