Narconon Blog
Ant McPartlin: Painkillers, Alcohol and Depression
Anthony “Ant” McPartlin Is undoubtedly one of England’s best known television presenters, producers and actors, best known as one half of Ant & Dec with the other being Declan Donnelly .
Alcohol… Greeting 2018 with a Hangover?
The Christmas parties are over. The New Years Eve gatherings are rapidly becoming a distant memory. Many hangovers have been had and are now fading. Massive amounts of alcohol have now been consumed throughout the UK, Europe, and the world in the last week.
UK — The Addiction Capital of Europe
It was reported in 2013 that England was considered the “addiction capital of Europe,” not a label to be proud of, but the abuse of drugs and alcohol was costing the country a total of £36 billion (or just under $57 billion U.S) annually.
The Decline of Booze
I have recently picked up some more good news in the newspaper. This time from the Evening Standard on Wednesday 16th.
Alcohol is the Key Gateway Drug
A study done by the university of Florida found that it was alcohol , not marijuana as is most commonly cited, that is the key gateway drug.
Signs and Symptoms of Drug Abuse
Knowing the signs and symptoms of drug abuse is so important. Waiting for full on collapse of a person’s life due to addiction is too late. If you can catch it early on, the easier it is to handle the drug abuse and potential addiction.