Narconon Blog
A Letter to My Drug Dealer
Each time I bought drugs from you was a step closer to killing myself alive. I lost my family's respect, trust and also my friends. Each time I bought drugs I told myself it's the last time but I then cound not stop. And you made it so easy for me to fail myself over and over again.
What Happened in the Summer of 1970
For those of us at the Isle of Wight Festival in 1970 we saw what we thought were new horizons, ’peace and love the world over and an end to war’ at the very least. We were I think naive.
UK — The Addiction Capital of Europe
It was reported in 2013 that England was considered the “addiction capital of Europe,” not a label to be proud of, but the abuse of drugs and alcohol was costing the country a total of £36 billion (or just under $57 billion U.S) annually.
UK Baby Boomer Alcohol Addiction Rate Climbs
Many of us think of those in their 50s and above as mature individuals who’ve raised their children and now can enjoy some leisure. Unfortunately, for many of the UK population over 50, their senior years are marked by damaging levels of alcohol use.
Dawn Drug Raids
The sheer quantity of drugs around the UK continues to astonish me. Just in this past week in London alone, there have been two stories about police finding or closing down drug dens.
Why Doesn’t a Drug Addict Listen?
An often heard story from loved ones of an addict is ‘How can I get them to listen? Whenever I approach the subject of addiction, the conversation is just over!’ There are many reasons that keep an addict from listening to reason regarding drug use, but these are two of the main reasons we have seen…
Drugs and Prison—What Can be Done?
With drugs in prisons recently getting some notice after BBC’s Panorama documentary on HMP Northumberland, it is interesting to note what is being talked about.
Guilt as a Barrier to Recovery
The Oxford English of Dictionary defines guilt as ‘A feeling of having committed wrong, or failed in an obligation.’ Guilt is often a deeply painful and personal emotion. In fact, it is regularly a big contributor to the cycle of addiction.…
Tara Palmer-Tomkinson: Another Tragic Drug Fuelled Loss
Tara Palmer-Tomkinson was found dead last week in her flat. A socialite, and Prince Charles’s god-daughter she was a well-known public figure, and thus, her cocaine habit was well known too.
Do You Need an Interventionist?
We get many inquiries, from parents or friends who have seemingly tried many options to try and get help for their loved ones, but no matter what is attempted, they just won't accept the help. An interventionist may be exactly what you need.