Narconon Blog
MDMA: The Aftermath
MDMA is a synthetic drug that alters mood and perception (awareness of surrounding objects and conditions). It is chemically similar to both stimulants and hallucinogens, producing feelings of increased energy, pleasure, emotional warmth, and distorted sensory and time perception.
Speaking of Drugs
When I was in high school it was a casual conversation to speak about drugs with my your classmates on break times, over text, in the lunch room and whatnot.
Lyrica Abuse in The United Arab Emirates
After my fourth interview with a University level student in the UAE abusing Lyrica, I began to do my own research. Lyrica is a prescription painkiller with a schedule V classification similar to codeine.
Horse Riding But Not Necessarily of The Four-Legged Kind
This is about a different kind of horse. You can get it from a doctor via a prescription but it’s mostly obtained from street vendors. It’s one that has numerous names, a culture evolved around it, and comes in powder, liquid, tablet or capsule format.
The Dangers of Spice
A recent article from the Manchester Evening News brought back to our attention some of the horrors caused by the synthetic drug called spice.
What Are Gateway Drugs?
The topic of gateway drugs comes up regularly, as does the question ‘What are gateway drugs?’ particularly when looking at the road that leads to drug abuse and addiction.
Butane Hash Oil
What is Butane Hash Oil - BHO? Is a very concentrated version of marijuana . It is created by processing marijuana into a refined oil.
Huge Hauls of Cocaine being Found Around the UK
Only days ago, £50m of cocaine was found washed up on Norfolk beaches. This was about 794Ibs (360Kg) of cocaine in holdalls and backpacks.
Could Stimulants be the Most Dangerous Drugs on the Planet?
There are many arguments that can be made for different drugs and their dangers, and there are truths to all of them.