Narconon Blog


Alice in Narconon Success
21 March 2024

I Would Do Anything to Turn Back Time and Say No

I did have a good, healthy life once upon a time. I had a happy marriage and three beautiful kids. My work and drive to succeed and provide a good life for my family were out of this world. That’s not anything to brag about, but it is something to be proud of, what one must remember is that this is actually normal.


Devin in Drug abuse
23 February 2018

MDMA: The Aftermath

MDMA is a synthetic drug that alters mood and perception (awareness of surrounding objects and conditions). It is chemically similar to both stimulants and hallucinogens, producing feelings of increased energy, pleasure, emotional warmth, and distorted sensory and time perception.


Jemima J. Jones in Crack Cocaine
12 January 2018

The Falsehood of Ecstasy

ECSTASY—That is exactly what this drug is not. A trip away from reality into unknown universes with mind blowing psychedelic effects and dangerous physiological effects are what Ecstasy adds up to. Often known as “Molly”, it is also called, “Mandy”, and has many other localised cultural labels.


Jemima J. Jones in Narconon Success
15 November 2017

Drug Addiction: What Is It Actually and How Do You ’Cure It’

It is probably a good idea right at the start to define addiction so there is no mistake as to what it is and what one is dealing with, after all, one can be addicted to aspirin as well as drugs sold illegally on the street.


Jeremy in Drug Stories
21 October 2017

The “Summer of Love” of 1988

When I look back, for me it all started in Manchester in the “Summer of Love“ of 1988. Acid House had hit the UK via Ibiza, and the clubs were buzzing with a new wave of electronic dance music and a new drug called ecstasy…