Narconon Blog


Devin in Crack Cocaine
27 February 2018

Heroin—What Is it and Why Is it Used?

Heroin is an opioid drug made from morphine, a natural substance taken from the seed pod of the various opium poppy plants grown in Southeast and Southwest Asia, Mexico, and Colombia.


Jemima J. Jones in Crack Cocaine
20 February 2018

Celebrity Influence—Drug Use and the Consequences

A celebrity is someone well-known in their field with the ability to influence others. For example, in the fashion industry Ives Saint Laurent is a design icon and in opera, Pavarotti had much influence as a tenor. He drew 150,000 attendees to his free performance in London’s Hyde Park and 500,000 more attended his concert on the lawn of New York’s Central Park. Millions more watched on TV. His musical influence and vocal method were admired and he influenced operatic performances worldwide. He attended the funeral of another icon, Diana, Princess of Wales.


Devin in Crack Cocaine
31 January 2018

Drugs = Desperation

At the age of 8, I used to skateboard a lot with my brother. It was one of our passions we shared as a way of bonding. The parks we attended were populated heavily by other kids like us. The majority were there just to simply skate and have fun.


Devin in Crack Cocaine
30 January 2018

Drugs: The Demographics

In any business, there is a target demographic or audience. The business will seek to market their services and products to that group of individuals who would see a higher sense of appeal in them.


Samuel in Crack Cocaine
29 January 2018

Cannabis at School

Growing up in the UK, I was exposed to Cannabis in various forms during my secondary school years. For those reading from overseas, secondary school runs from ages 11—16.


Samuel in Crack Cocaine
25 January 2018

Cocaine: A Millennial Minefield

Alcohol and marijuana are known as gateway drugs , meaning they open the door for more powerful and deadly substances. Cocaine is not only one of these, but one of the worst.


Jemima J. Jones in Crack Cocaine
21 January 2018

Skating on Ice, But Not on an Ice Rink

The supposed upside to Crystal Methylone (methamphetamine) and why its users blindly rate it, is for its ability to make one feel good. The flip side of the coin is the fact that has one of the most dangerous consequences that one could experience—It attacks the central nervous system and in particular the brain itself.


Jemima J. Jones in Crack Cocaine
12 January 2018

The Falsehood of Ecstasy

ECSTASY—That is exactly what this drug is not. A trip away from reality into unknown universes with mind blowing psychedelic effects and dangerous physiological effects are what Ecstasy adds up to. Often known as “Molly”, it is also called, “Mandy”, and has many other localised cultural labels.


Jemima J. Jones in Crack Cocaine
28 November 2017

All Hail the New Medical Disovery—Never Mind Addiction to It

Starts with Cocaine, followed by crack cocaine, became the drug of choice in many of our UK big cities like London and Manchester in the 1980s. By 2002 crack importing and addiction reached epidemic proportions. Seizures of it had increased by 50% and the numbers of crack addicts seeking help by 54%.