Narconon Blog
Cocaine—a Love Affair
Cocaine is a substance which has been glamourised by mainstream media over the years. Positioned frequently with success, money, business, fame and dynamic accomplishment.
It’s Up, Up and Away—Then Down and Out
While there are rituals that users go through when doing cocaine, the drug itself is sometimes misunderstood by those who use it—what it is and what effect it will have, both good and bad.
Snow White and the Straight Line to a Grave
This is an article on Snow White but it in no way resembles the bedtime story immortalised by the cartoon characters in ’Disney’ animated films.
Huge Hauls of Cocaine being Found Around the UK
Only days ago, £50m of cocaine was found washed up on Norfolk beaches. This was about 794Ibs (360Kg) of cocaine in holdalls and backpacks.
Why do Men get so Addicted to Cocaine?
Why do Men get so Addicted to Cocaine? Cocaine is famous for its short-term effect of euphoria , but when you come down from that high you hit a very low point.