Snow White and the Straight Line to a Grave

Snow white

This is an article on Snow White but it in no way resembles the bedtime story immortalised by the cartoon characters in ’Disney’ animated films. This is about the tiny crystal particles that get snorted up one’s nose, injected by a hypodermic needle, rubbed on gums or ingested with food and drink in the hope of a super high.

This article is about Cocaine in some parts called coke, flake, sniff, charlie or snow to name a few of its labels. The fact that it kills by the thousands of people every year is not something dealers of the deadly snow promote.

It will come ’cut’, mixed with ingredients such as corn starch, flour, sugar, talcum powder, caffeine or amphetamines to add volume and weight. Dealers get very ingenious at finding new ways to cut the neat product. You will be lucky to find anything above 35% purity by the time it’s on the streets. Celebrities and the rich though get a different deal. Three things have to go into place.

It depends on the cash flow you have as a regular customer, the available supply cut or otherwise and the trust you have in your dealer. If you are rich, by the way, the dealer won’t want to lose your continuing business so you will get the best/purest available for your cash.

Whitney Houston
Whitney Houston

At up to £40,000 per kilogram, it is an expensive habit to have. If you pick up a 2-kilo bag of sugar you will get an idea of what the weight and quantity that £40,000 represents. Cocaine, according to sources on the internet, were involved in the deaths of Jim Morrison of The Doors, Whitney Houston and Ike Turner (husband of Tina Turner). Many of today’s celebrities have admitted using it and recovered from it in rehab. Kate Moss and Angelina Jolie are just two of the most prominent.

Destroying Life

Cocaine offers you both physical and mental ways to arrive in a coffin. It does not care who or what you are or what you do for a living. The addicted often can’t see or feel what their cocaine is doing to them, that’s one of its effects. It is the workmates, friends, parents and wider family that watch the demise of their loved ones. And the addict? They fool themselves every day and pretend they are fine.

In the short term, the physical effects can be any combination or inclusion of nausea, headaches, strokes, coma, seizures, brain function interference, and abdominal pain. Mentally insomnia, increased alertness, euphoria, anxiety, paranoia, panic, violence, and any combination thereof will kick in. There are other effects but let’s move on to the long term misery that can be expected.

Addicts will find themselves with, but not only, nosebleeds, weight loss, bowel problems, decreased blood circulation, erratic behaviour, appetite loss, body neglect and nasal damage. Added to the shorter term effects a bright future cannot envisioned for the addict.

If you take more than your body can stand, (overdosing) the body’s defence mechanism is coma and the final degradation - death. If you try to withdraw slowly over a period of time or try an ’all or nothing’ one shot, all the symptoms of not taking the chosen poison turn on. Despair, loneliness, nightmares, tremors, violence, sleeplessness to name just a few of the turn ones that will kick in.

The addict then faces two possibilities: dead if you come off drugs and dead if you don’t. This is where the Narconon programme comes in.

With this programme, you can come off drugs without the intensity of pain and mental anguish normally associated with withdrawal and rehabilitation. People who’ve done a Narconon withdrawal and rehab programme attest that in the thousands. You CAN come out of addiction, You CAN REHAB fully and be able to face life and live it.

Jemima J. Jones


Jemima J. Jones

A writer that tells it like it is. She has been there done that and got the T-shirt.