Why do Men get so Addicted to Cocaine?

Cocaine is famous for its short-term effect of euphoria, but when you come down from that high you hit a very low point. With that in mind, it is easy to see how depression can sink in and as the quantity and frequency of use increases, it can then lead to full-on addiction. Like any drug, after frequent use, the same quantity of the drug no longer gives the same high. This can then lead to higher and higher doses, or into other drugs to try and recapture that initial high.
It is commonly stated that the euphoria after just one hit of cocaine can have you addicted, That may not always be true but it does happen, as the drug is so potent. And cocaine addiction seems to be more common in men.
Why Does That More Common In Men?
Cocaine use amongst men is much higher than women and it was found in this study that the effects of the drug are far stronger on men than women in both euphoria and paranoia. This is because of the different hormonal balances within the body. For this reason, a man is far more likely to become addicted after one try than a woman and far more likely to continue in the use of the drug. (See the full Research here)

On the other hand, if a woman does become addicted to cocaine it is quite likely to be very severe as the quantities needing to be taken to maintain the high in women are so much higher. (See the full Research here)
Physical Effect
What cocaine actually does is stimulate your nerve cells (neurons) to release dopamine. This is a reward-motivated action. In normal situations like smelling something good for example, the dopamine returns quite rapidly to the cells they came from. The problem is though, that with cocaine, the dopamine instead of returning back to the nerve cells rapidly, stays outside affecting the nerves. This build-up of dopamine is what gives the euphoric feeling.
Symptoms of cocaine in mood and behavior differ widely, and it is certainly not just euphoria you can experience. There is a whole range of effects, from feelings of superiority, euphoria and an increase in energy (which is often what attracts people to the drug) to anxiety, restlessness, panic, irritation, fearfulness, violence, paranoia, psychosis and hallucination.