Narconon Blog
Why Doesn’t a Drug Addict Listen?
An often heard story from loved ones of an addict is ‘How can I get them to listen? Whenever I approach the subject of addiction, the conversation is just over!’ There are many reasons that keep an addict from listening to reason regarding drug use, but these are two of the main reasons we have seen…
Do You Need an Interventionist?
We get many inquiries, from parents or friends who have seemingly tried many options to try and get help for their loved ones, but no matter what is attempted, they just won't accept the help. An interventionist may be exactly what you need.
What Is an Addict?
The answer to the question “What is an addict?” is one that can get a huge range of answers depending on the experiences of the person you ask. It is often an emotional reaction and not necessarily one that reflects the truth of the situation.
The Highs and Lows of Drug Use
Those who use drugs experience massive highs and lows. This can put the addict themselves in a spin, but also those around them, especially when they just have no idea what is going on, or that the person even uses drugs!
The Family’s Role in Addiction Recovery
Family members are usually aware of when a loved one is struggling or doing badly in life – even if the cause is not obvious. At some point, it will be realised that drug addiction is the cause.
The Power of an Intervention
Not every addict in need of rehab is going to jump at the chance of a handling. For this reason, an intervention can honestly be the difference between life and death for a person.
Creating a Successful Intervention
Having a loved one suffering from addiction is an awful situation to be in. Watching them go in a downward spiral, as their dreams and ambitions fall by the wayside and worse and worse habits take their place.
Overcoming Barriers to Addiction
When faced with addiction in a loved one it can be hard to know what to do about it. There are obstacles that need to be overcome and sometimes you just don’t know where to start. A successful intervention is needed but you may not yet be up to that point.