Narconon Blog
The Highs and Lows of Drug Use
Those who use drugs experience massive highs and lows. This can put the addict themselves in a spin, but also those around them, especially when they just have no idea what is going on, or that the person even uses drugs!
Guilty Party – Parent or Child?
As a parent, finding out that your child is suffering from drug addiction can be an almighty blow. A Mother’s love intensifies all emotions, and can cause an anxiety filled rollercoaster of depression and guilt; really a waking nightmare.…
More Effects of an Alcoholic Mother
Another interesting story crossed my path on the radio recently, on the effects of an alcoholic mother. This was from a prisoner, who we will call Rob. He was in prison for multiple counts of arson.…
The Family’s Role in Addiction Recovery
Family members are usually aware of when a loved one is struggling or doing badly in life – even if the cause is not obvious. At some point, it will be realised that drug addiction is the cause.
Rehabilitation is Not Just for the Addict
When someone goes to rehab it is normal to think of the physical and mental affects that this person will be relieved of, by withdrawing and detoxifying from drugs or alcohol . What is sometimes overlooked is how widespread the help truly reaches.