My Narconon Experience
Narconon rehabilitation technology gets to the problem at its source—and provides a path many have travelled to report long-term success. This is what a Narconon graduate has to say about her experience on the programme:
“For me, the process within Narconon is like trying to plant seeds in a field. You see other processes that deal with drug problems, and it’s like throwing seeds over the field covered with weeds, and wondering why nothing seems to be growing. In Narconon you have time to look and assess the weedy field in Withdrawal; then when you move onto the Sauna Detox, it’s like spending the time to remove all those weeds.
Moving on to the Objectives, which is like ploughing the field, readying it to plant the seeds, and then finally in the Life Skills Courses planting the seeds properly. If you skip any of these processes, then the plants that you want to grow won’t grow properly, but if you take the time to do things the right way, the flowers will blossom and will continue to grow year after year.”
A.W.—Narconon Graduate