It’s the Differences Which Make Narconon Successful!
The Fourth & Fifth Differences
By: E. Kenneth Eckersley, CEO Society for an Addiction Free Existence (SAFE).
In this series of five articles, I describe in detail the difference between the Narconon programme and other forms of rehabilitation.
It is many decades since we learned from L. Ron Hubbard that there are basically three levels of thought. Identification, Comparison and Differentiation—and that, whilst thorough investigation of any subject can involve all three, by far the most valuable, significant and scientific factor is DIFFERENTIATION.
Nowhere is this more important and obvious, than in the extremely confused, deliberately misinformed and profiteering field of substance addiction and the rehabilitation of alcoholics and drug addicts.
FOURTH Difference
From the above, we see that the Narconon goals are first: knowledge of recovery techniques, second: the resurrection of personal responsibility and third: the regaining of relaxed control of one’s life leading to self-determination.
But for other addiction rehabilitation systems, the goal is often just “To Be Able To Get Through Each Difficult Day” without taking the drug to which they are addicted.
Whilst this can eventually lead some to increasingly relaxed abstinence, because other rehab systems make no attempt to remove the individual’s store of drug toxins and metabolites apparently lodged in the fatty tissues of his body, there is always the possibility of restimulation from the breakdown of such deposits, their release into the bloodstream, a consequent restimulation of desire for the drug, and a return to addiction.
Which brings us to an examination of the technicalities and nomenclature involved in recovery from addiction.
FIFTH Difference
When Narconon says: “detoxification”, we mean flushing from the addict’s body drug residues and other toxic deposits built up by addiction and life in general.
When a psychiatrist, doctor or pharmacist says: “detoxification”, they only mean the stopping of the regular taking of any further doses of a particular addictive substance (what Narconon calls “withdrawal”).
So, when an addict is given medication to stop him taking heroin, that is the psycho-pharm idea of a “heroin detox”. The addict still retains toxic heroin metabolites in his body, but he is not adding to them.
However, if in order to stop the heroin intake he is prescribed methadone, in addition to his existing store of heroin metabolites, he starts to build up a further store of methadone metabolites, any or all of which—by engaging in hard physical work, energetic sport or just warmer than normal summer weather conditions—can by sweating be released from the body’s fatty tissues, re-enter the bloodstream and lead to a return to a former addictive state.
Read the full articles series to find out in which other ways the Narconon programme is very different from other forms of rehabilitation.