Clean and Sober After 30 Years of Drug and Alcohol Use

Sober woman at home
Photo by praetorianphoto/

I am clean and sober after 30 years of drug and alcohol use. I don't have any craving to use and have given up my drug lifestyle.

I have better self-awareness and understand what I really value in my space and the people around me. I realised the extent of the damage I did to myself on drugs and the detrimental impact it had on my family and my level of trust in my community.

The Narconon programme had a steep learning curve, but the endurance required and the fulfilment I feel is monumental. I know I want to be part of an honest society and can contribute to it now with integrity.

The payback from the programme has been astonishing in so many ways. I look forward to embracing my life without drugs. I have also learnt that life is hard at times and is unpredictable. I now have the capacity to face it head-on, to confront whatever my life has in store for me.

I have better communication skills and can make amends for where I have gone wrong in the past, especially with my family.

“My relationship with my family is getting better and I am thankful
to be able to have a fresh start with them.”

My relationship with my family is getting better and I am thankful to be able to have a fresh start with them: Introduce the new Emma to them!

I know now that I need positive, constructive people around me and the need for me to be able to be trusted amongst them, and that I can actively contribute to this process for a positive upward cycle for everyone. Without drugs or alcohol in my life for a successful future.

E.M., Narconon Graduate



Alice is passionate about helping others get off drugs at Narconon UK.