The Beauty of Having a Future Means that I No Longer Have to Die as an Addict

“By the sheer luck of the draw I am still here! So many times in my life I should and could of died, yet for some reason I’m still here fighting for survival and a chance for a normal life, which I had lost hope of achieving a long time ago. Without hope I carried on day after day in the same state, living had become a chore and I often thought about ending it all. I sometimes dreamed of the relief on my families face when they received that knock on the door to say I was dead, the heartache they would no longer suffer after my demise. At times in all honesty it would have been easier for them. If they said otherwise they would have been lying.
My days as a drug addict are over and I have a chance to put all the pain I have caused behind me and make right the wrongs I have caused.
Just because my past says I’m a bad person doesn’t mean that I have to go on like that.
The beauty of having a future means that I no longer have to die as an addict. I have the ability and skills to make the future of my dreams come true. You can make choices in life that change the path you are on. From the moment I stepped within Narconon gates my path altered and the change within my heart has been amazing. I no longer feel bound to rebel. For so long in my life I have felt this gut-wrenching urge to rebel against all the people of authority in my life. I hated school and did whatever I could not to attend classes and push the teachers to snap. My parents have had no control and no authority since I could remember. When they have tried to re-enforce the rules I would kick out and act in a way that they would leave me alone. Everywhere I have been and everything I have done has rebelled against the system that we live in, but what I didn’t realised is that all this had come at a cost, not to others-which I believed, but to myself, my heart and my soul.
The price paid for being an addict is too high. The slow demise of my feelings and no purpose—you have no reason to live.
Each day that I lived within addiction killed more of my brain, so that I could not see the wood from the trees. I had no feelings to understand what I have done to my life and continued surviving forgetting the living. I turned into what I can only be described as the walking dead.
Within this course of the programme, it has been like slowly rebuilding me as a person gaining the control and power within myself and the things around me, to truly be me again.”
A.W.—Narconon Student