I Regained My Sense of Control and Perspective on Life
Being here, I have learnt that it is not enough to hide away from things. That I need to face them and learn how to handle them and I really can.

Before, I would either want to drink or go shopping to make myself feel better. Now I know I can face things as they come and I don’t need any one thing to make me feel better. I myself have, and have learnt the skills I need to survive and cope with life and everything it has brought and will surely continue to bring. I can be in the moment and see what is occurring and develop the skills I need to fight through it. Like the Narconon course Materials says, “sometimes the only way out, is the way through.”
While I was doing the objectives there are many things that I became aware of. It really brought my attention back to the present time and when you’re drinking it is usually because you are hiding from your present and current situation. By doing fairly simple drills even things like “Be there” I realized that being here, being in the present time and just facing that moment however it is, is really not as bad or undoable as I thought it might be. By doing small exercises, you realize how much you have forgotten, how many key skills we can actually uncover. I know for a fact that some of the exercises that I have done on this course, have made me far stronger a person than the one I came in as. It might seem straightforward enough, knowing where one is, what is around you, but regaining that sense of perspective, makes more of a difference than I had initially realized.
I am more in tune not only with my surroundings but also with myself, with who I am and where I want to be.
I am seeing life clearly and myself more clearly than I have for a long time. And I have the objectives and life skills part of the course to thank for that, for helping me regain a lost sense of control and perspective.
B.G.—Narconon Student