Cocaine: From Best Friend to Killer

It has been seen in cinemas, in your living room, on the television, in magazines and even described in books. The moderately well-off person, all the way to the extremely rich are utilizing a dangerous substance to give them the upper hand and the edge to be the best. A white powder designed to mimic energy, confidence, and euphoria, but with every sniff or snort it tears away at the individual physically and mentally. Cocaine may be seen by the average Joe as dangerous and to be avoided, but when one rises in the ranks of business it may show its ugly head sooner or later.
Most commonly used as a celebratory drug as a send-off for the week, quarter or year, cocaine is not cheap and dealers commonly target high net-worth individuals as their market. The vicious cycle all starts with the first try. An individual is recommended it by a colleague or boss, (explained very well here) and then tries the drug for the first time. The cycle is now in motion and the user may eventually begin to procure their own cocaine for the next celebration. Soon it may develop into them using it on a more routine basis. When they have a good week or even a bad one they may purchase some cocaine and use it, either as a celebration or as a remedy to their lack of good results that week. This is where serious abuse may occur.
In the industry of banking, specifically investment banking, cocaine has been the best friend of many individuals in this industry. There are many stories and accounts of instances where senior bankers have taken the drug abusively and on a daily basis. This fueled some quite shocking and unlawful behavior. Whether it be illegal trading, falsification of assets or Ponzi schemes, cocaine was commonly the fuel to the small fire turning it into a blaze. One of the main reasons cocaine is abused amongst investment bankers may be their lack of social life from their devotion to their craft causing them to not easily speak, be around or even enter social gatherings. This also makes it difficult for them to do well in board meetings, investment, and financial meetings. With cocaine, they felt they have the “edge” which makes them valuable to their peers. Obviously, this isn’t universal with all cocaine abusers who are investment bankers but has happened with few who have been outspoken about it.
How does cocaine accomplish this? Cocaine’s main effects are hyperstimulation, euphoria and a sense of confidence. However, the long-term effects are deadly and are often ignored when professionals get involved in the harmful habit. These long-term effects include:
- Liver failure and disease
- High blood pressure leading to heart attacks, stroke and death
- Irreversible damage to blood vessels, the brain, and heart
- Very realistic hallucinations
- Confusion, apathetic behavior, and disorientation
- Depression
When these effects are overlooked, cocaine seems harmless. The well-off to the very wealthy who are routinely abusing the drug may think they have the edge now, but their physical decay and the emotional effects of the drug take over in place of the original euphoria and hyperstimulation. Over time, cocaine goes from being a best friend to a killer. If everyone abusing cocaine thought about this before they started the routine, they may not have used the drug. I spoke to a family member who was a cocaine abuser for years during their professional life, and their usual excuse to ignore the dangerous effects of cocaine was, “I just won’t get addicted.” But the drug eventually made its way into their daily routine.
If you or someone you know is suffering from cocaine addiction, contact Narconon UK today. Their holistic and drug-free rehabilitation program has helped a significant number of people across the globe get clean and lead better lives.