Eight Physical Signs that Someone is Suffering from Addiction

It is important to know the signs of addiction so that a situation does not creep up on you. Knowing some of the indications can help you to spot drug addiction or alcoholism early and not be caught by surprise once the situation has deteriorated.
Physical Signs
There are both mental and physical aspects to addiction but let’s look at some of the physical signs first.
1. Red Eyes
Marijuana causes the eyes to become bloodshot.
2. Eye Dilation
Several drugs cause the pupils to dilate.
3. Rapid Weight Change
Drugs can have a very noticeable effect on the appetite, marijuana causes hunger and people often start to eat a lot, whereas other drugs suppress the appetite entirely and the person can eat so little as to become undernourished.
4. Shaking
Alcohol and certain other drugs can cause the muscles to shake uncontrollably.
5. Slurred Speech
A very common sign of too much alcohol.
6. Inability to Sit Still
Certain drugs affect the attention, and ability to focus, often to the point that the person can’t pay attention or even stay in one place.
7. Scratches and Open Sores
Meth and crack cocaine can cause itchy skin, which leads a person to scratch themselves, done often enough this will leave visible open wounds.
8. High Tolerance Level
With alcohol and other drugs the more you consume the less of an affect they have. If you notice someone drinking very large quantities without being drunk this is a sure sign of regular high intake. The same applies to many drugs.
Each of these signs on their own is not necessarily a definite indication, but if you do see a multitude of these indications then the likelihood is that you have addiction on your hands.
If you feel that there is a hidden addiction then it is certainly time to talk to your friend or family member about it or even hold an intervention.