Why are So Many Medical Students and Professionals
Reportedly Addicted to Drugs?

Upset girl

You would think that medical students and those in the medical profession with all of their education on drugs and their effects would stay well clear of drugs and addiction.

Unfortunately, that is far from the case; in fact, medical professionals are said to have an equal or slightly higher rate of drug abuse compared to the rest of the population.

There can be many speculations as to why—the job has a high amount of stress, both from the nature of the job, life and death in their hands, and from the long days, with many nights spent not sleeping, exams to pass, grades to achieve… and of course an easy access to many drugs. Whether painkillers or other prescription drugs, the truth is that doctors are surrounded by drugs and so it might be easier to get their hands on them.

I just read an interesting article of which the following is an excerpt:

“Escaping Addiction with Dignity as a Medical Student

July 12th, 2016 - By: Luke Collins, MA

Addiction affects medical professionals and laypersons indiscriminately. Medical professional substance abuse rates hover around 9-12%, equal or greater than non-medical populations. Substances most frequently abused include alcohol and prescription medications with cocaine, amphetamines, marijuana and psychedelics appearing at lesser rates. Studies of resident physicians demonstrate that different specialities have tendencies toward different drugs of choice. For example, resident surgeons tend to abuse alcohol; emergency medicine alcohol, benzodiazepines, cocaine, and marijuana; psychiatry marijuana, benzodiazepines, psychedelics; anaesthesia opioids and alcohol.”

As a medic in training or a doctor, you have a responsibility to get yourself help—it is certainly a job you need to be fully aware and ‘here’ for.

For help for yourself or someone you know struggling with drug abuse please contact us.


Narconon UK

Welcome to Narconon United Kingdom At Narconon, we are dedicated to one thing: helping you overcome addiction for good. Part of what makes this possible is the Narconon environment. Every detail has been taken into account to give you the stability and comfort to help you free yourself from addiction and rebuild your life without drugs.