Vulnerable Moments for Addiction to Set-In


Though people can get into drugs or alcohol at any time, there are certain circumstances that put one more at risk to turning to drugs and alcohol as a solution. These times usually contain vulnerability due to pain, injury, loss or change. These are stressful times and to get through them, love, support and friendship are required. Without it the easy coping mechanism unfortunately can often end up being drink or drugs.

An injury, especially a career-ending one

Any injury is always horrible to deal with, but in circumstances surrounding sports or profession it can be intensified with a loss of a loved hobby or job. Pain coupled with loss is a horrible combination. When the time is right, try and help the person find new interests, work or things to enjoy.

Physical, mental or sexual abuse

With abuse, often it is a hidden occurrence that you cannot help the person get through. Always remember that people around you could be going through things you are not aware of, be kind and open in case there is something they need to say. And of course, if you are aware of it, be supportive and compassionate and try to get them out of any recurring situation and through the difficult times.

Business setbacks

Business set-backs can be very stressful because of the combination of financial stresses with the loss of goals, betrayals or knocks to one’s confidence. Whether it’s losing a client, not getting the promotion or being fired, they can all be trying times. Be supportive, a friend and stable person and help someone get back on their feet or make new goals as needed.

Losses and changes

Change can be difficult, facing the unknown and not knowing what is ahead can be hard to cope with. Whether it is moving location, a loss of a loved one or big change in profession, not dealt with well it can be the beginning of a large decline. Having supportive friends and family is needed to get through these changes without drugs.

These are all times where too many people turn to drugs to cope with the stress or depression. Be there, help them through it, educate about the dangers of addiction and many people can avoid the pitfalls of drugs as a solution to life’s problems.


Narconon UK

Welcome to Narconon United Kingdom At Narconon, we are dedicated to one thing: helping you overcome addiction for good. Part of what makes this possible is the Narconon environment. Every detail has been taken into account to give you the stability and comfort to help you free yourself from addiction and rebuild your life without drugs.