Narconon UK and Al Sahawat Times team up to save lives in UK, Oman and UAE

Oman skyline
Oman skyline at sunset

Al Sahawat Times is a daily print and digital broadsheet newspaper originating from Oman. It boasts an innovative News Code of Ethics which it displays in its papers and on its online news portals.

The quality of its Code of Ethics makes it a pioneer in the realm of today's press. Specifically, its first point of the News Ethics code, tells the tale of a high standard journalism practice:

1. If reporting the story is not beneficial in a positive, essential or constructive way to society then it is not news.

I was very happy and honoured when the CEO of Al Sahawat Times joyfully accepted to publish our Narconon UK Public Service Announcements in the name of extending our effective help for substance abuse to the Middle East.

Dubai skyscrapers from above

Literally a week later we had a guest arriving from Dubai, UAE.

As part of the Narconon programme students take part in specifically tailored procedures called Objectives. They are designed to help take a person’s attention off the past and on to the present.

It is my pleasure to share with you one of his success stories while he was on the Narconon programme.

Knowing the Real Me, Not the Addict Me

Young man
This is a stock picture to protect the student’s confidentiality.

“The first time I started the Objective I hated it but with time it was the best thing I have done.

It made me talk about my past, the parts that I did not like talking about.

It made me move on, the changes that I had were dramatic. I can’t describe in words the awareness and confidence I got, I never in my life thought I would have.

The most important part of it is knowing me, the real me not the addict me.

It gave me the ability to forgive myself.

Starting from the beginning a new page, a clean new page”

AA—Narconon UK Graduate

Very well done Al Sahawat Times for helping to save a life by abiding by your own outstanding Ethics Code.





Andrea Malagoli

La voglia di capirmi e lo strumento sbagliato per farlo: le droghe. Ora che conosco la trappola, ve ne racconto i segreti e come uscirne.