I will Never Ever Be That Person Again

L.H.—Narconon Student

“Previously, when I was doing drugs, I never felt any emotion because of the routine I got into.

I thought that emotions weren’t real. I know that, because, now I feel completely different to how I felt about my girlfriend. And the stuff that I’ve done to my family like getting off my head and going missing for days. This is completely unacceptable, and I am really sorry for all the pain I caused them. I’m sorry, I will never ever be that person again.

To all my family I hope you can get past all the pain I caused you and embrace the new person I am becoming. I hope I can get your trust back and be the stable person you guys need, not a beak head.”

L.H.—Narconon Student


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Welcome to Narconon United Kingdom At Narconon, we are dedicated to one thing: helping you overcome addiction for good. Part of what makes this possible is the Narconon environment. Every detail has been taken into account to give you the stability and comfort to help you free yourself from addiction and rebuild your life without drugs.